Friday, May 30, 2008

Yet another MEAO update, more notecards.

Today's little update was inspired by an old ZHAO-II bug noticed and patched by Lyssa Varun. It would display its disheartening "You cannot have more than 12 animation notecards." message before subtracting the help cards, so the limit was even lower!

If people are actually running into this limit, even one or two shy of that, then it's time to allow for more notecards in the menu.  So that's what today's update brings, you can now choose from as many as will fit in script memory.

MEAO has actually had a "secret" way to handle more than 12 notecards all along, by using the "/1 ao load notecardname" command. But now that's available to people who prefer buttons too!

The updated boxes are out at the usual spots, the vendor in our shop and at SLExchange.

To install, take the old MEAO Core and MEAO Interface scripts out of your MystiTool, and drop in these new ones. It is a good idea to detach and reattach MystiTool after this kind of change, Second Life remembers attachment changes more reliably that way.

And once again, please take care when using no-copy animations inside attachments! See our earlier entry for why.