Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lovely new 1.25 Server change :p

24 January 2009: In the SL forum was another report of the Mono checkbox being ignored (different scripts), in that case relogging helped. So if one voodoo stabbity workaround doesn't work, try the other, and try again *sigh*.

Updating: The new problem only seems to affect compilations done on certain viewers. I see the compilation problem (namely, the compiler is ignoring the mono checkbox) under the Kirsten S16 viewer, but not the official 1.21.6 or 1.22.6 viewers. So if you are having trouble with compilation, try a different viewer and make sure Mono hasn't become unchecked.

Everything seemed fine on the beta grid last week, but something changed in the Mono LSL compiler in the version of 1.25 server that is being rolled out to the main grid. Existing copies of the MEAO scripts continue to run OK, but there is a memory error in the compiler that will prevent recompiling the core script after making changes. While the rolling restart is still underway, move to a region that is still running 1.24 if you run into this problem. No such luck, whatever changed is already affecting 1.24 regions too. I'll rearrange a couple of things to work around this lovely new SL glitch before tomorrow when the second half rolling restart happens.

To check what server version is running on a sim, go into Help->About Second Life... and look at the second paragraph, which looks like:

You are at 284947.1, 264661.8, 3501.4 in Ceilostomo located at (
Second Life Server
Release Notes

The line in bold is the interesting one.


Anonymous said... ?

Viktoria Dovgal said...

SVC-3679 is a different bug at runtime, fortunately our stuff has enough headroom to survive that one.

The trouble mentioned in this blog entry was that there is a transient communication problem between sim and viewer, where it doesn't always recognize that Mono is available, so the Mono checkbox is ignored, so the script gets compiled to LSO. But a relog or a different viewer works around it.