Friday, August 29, 2008

Mono goodness and not so goodness

Just a quick note about the 1.24 server release. Both of the little add-ons we hand out for MystiTool, the MEAO AO scripts and Inco's chat toy, do compile and run OK under Mono.

Timing is a little different in this server release, we are going to play with potential tweaks from the last few months to see what looks best in the final product.

Meanwhile, you can recompile the existing ones if you want to play. It's fine to mix and match Mono and regular LSL scripts, so you can do this in your exiting MystiTool. You will get a whole lot more memory for stuffing in animations, but you may notice that default animations leak through. You can always go back to regular LSL if you don't care for what you see, and again we'll have something to smooth it over shortly.