Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Teensy optional MEAO update

You can take or leave this update as you wish.  The free memory display is in bytes instead of percent now so that the numbers won't look silly under Mono. Also, if you couldn't get the mysterious "curanim" command to work, that's because I left out an 'r' in the help text. It's curranim. Doh!

As usual, pick up a fresh box at our little shop or on SLExchange.

To install, take the old MEAO Core and MEAO Interface scripts out of your MystiTool, and drop in these new ones. It is a good idea to detach and reattach MystiTool after this kind of change, Second Life remembers attachment changes more reliably that way.  Do see older entries in this weblog about attachments with no-copy animations in them, those warnings are still very current!

Oh, about that Mono thing. Yes, we are testing on the beta grid, and yes, at the moment everything works fine. Things could change in the next few weeks before Mono goes live on the main grid, but so far it looks like it will be a painless recompile. A more capable replacement AO is in progress, but we won't tempt fate and try to make two big changes at once.